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Geo. Schrade "Scout" Presto Automatic Knife

Geo. Schrade "Scout" automatic knife with wormgroove handles. The knife works well and opens automatically so the spring is still good. The knife is in very good shape

This knife comes from my grandfather's collection that I recently inherited.  I don't know how he came by this knife other than he was an outdoorsman, and liked to visit local flea markets. That's my only knowledge of it, as I am not a professional kinfe dealer by any means.

I've made a video showing it off on youtube here:
(Doesn't look like you can click links in the description, so you'll need to copy/pase the location into your browser.)

If not satisfied I'll accept returns minus shipping costs in the same condition sent out.

The price is firm, I really would rather not entertain offers, I apologize.

I'll be shipping by UPS ground.

Thank you for looking!

For Sale By: PocketknifeTherapy

View all items for sale by PocketknifeTherapy

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Sold Out

Item # 99751

  • $250.00

Shipping Details:

Shipping & Handling to United States Addresses:   $15.00

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