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Member Since 11-08-2024

Interests: Anything to do with knives! I have been building custom fixed blade knives for about 10 years, and recently began buying and collecting vintage folding knives. I like reading, biking and fly fishing.

Occupation: Retired

Location: Southwest Montana

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Direct Contact Information

Phone: 406-689-3101

About Me

We started our business part-time in 2011, selling online and at craft shows. In 2014 we went full time and I started building custom knives at that time. I began selling my knives at 4 Ravens Gallery in Missoula, MT. I quit selling there 2 yrs. later, as I actually had a hard time keeping up with orders. My wife restores vintage jewelry and I began collecting vintage pocket knives. I have carried knives since I was a boy and carried knives as back ups during my 10 yr. law enforcement career.

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