All 3FingerMac Products

Todd Davison Abalone Sheepsfoot Straight Jack...3 5/8"..Cpm154..coinedged...pouch...#2431 Rare
Item # 110719
$900.00 $1,039.99

Todd Davison Mammoth Sheepsfoot Straight Jack...3 5/8"..Cpm154..jeweled...pouch...#2546 Rare
Item # 110718
$1,150.00 $1,259.99

K'roo Fancy Jack in Ivory Paper..Black Diamond shield and liners...Ringed Fancy bolsters and caps
Item # 110717

K'roo Executive Jack Wharnie Chaos..Rwl34...Equal End...Bolsters and caps...fileworked..Coa and slip
Item # 110688

Kroo MOP Sheepsfoot Fancy Jack.. Rwl34..3.75..fluted..filework..spacers..liners..coa/slip
Item # 110668

K'roo Antique Ivory Paper Micarta Native..4" closed..Rwl34...fileworked...coa and slip
Item # 110666

Bobby Toole Bark Mammoth Native ...Cpm154...fluted integral doved bolsters..3 13/16"..coa & pouch
Item # 110313

K'roo MAC Knife..Sheepsfoot..3.5"..Black Linen bolsters&caps..Warthog Tusk Ivory Scales..Damasteel
Item # 110089
$600.00 $699.99

K'roo Warthog Tusk Striper Raven...Ivory Scales..Striper Bolsters..Rwl34...3.75 closed..coa and slip
Item # 109145

Kroo Warthog Tusk Ivory Sheepsfoot Barlow.. Rwl34..3.75..fluted..filework..spacers..liners..coa/slip
Item # 108650

K'roo Slimline Wharnie"...4"...Black Linen bolsters&caps..Warthog Tusk Ivory Scales....Damasteel
Item # 108648

K'roo DragonFly BLACK BEAUTY 4" clsd,Black Micarta,Damasteel shield,blade,spring,bolsters,coa/slip
Item # 107830

Vincenzo Balistreri Buffalo Horn Bullet Head Easy Open.3.75"...Flutedl..AEB-L..filework...coa..slip.
Item # 102433

Vincenzo Balistreri Buffalo Horn Native.Fools Gold shield. bead..Filework..Jiimping....Coa/Slip
Item # 102431

Vincenzo Balistreri Buffalo Horn White Wolf..Fools Gold shield. bead..Filework..Jiimping....Coa/Slip
Item # 102427

Bobby Toole Interior Mammoth Gunstock Taillock..Cpm154..3 15/16..integral fluted bolsters..coa&pouch
Item # 102069

K'roo DragonFly Shadow...4" clsd...Black G10 accents and bolt shield..Rwl34..filework
Item # 101793

TA Davison Clip Jack..Cpm154...3 7/8" closed..Natural Canvas Micarta..#2418..Taco pouch
Item # 101371

Vincenzo Balistreri Sambar Stag Clip Barlow...Rwl34...3.75...multi color mosaic pin matches bead.
Item # 100784

Vincenzo Balistreri Native..Mother of Pearl..AEB-L..liners..lanyard pin and bead..coa.slip
Item # 100642

Kroo BeanBag Micarta Slimline Wharnie..Rwl34..4"..fluted bolsters.filework..spacers..liners.coa/slip
Item # 99579
$450.00 $499.99

Bobby Toole Bark Mammoth Ivory Jack..Cpm154...3 7/8 closed...integral fluted bolsters..coa & pouch
Item # 99239
$725.00 $799.99

K'roo Custom Amboyna Wood Native..4" closed..Rwl34...Smooth as glass scales...coa and slip
Item # 99090

K'roo Fancy Jack in Ivory Paper..Black Spade/Ace shield and liners...Ringed Fancy bolsters and caps
Item # 94775

K'roo Fancy Jack in Black Linen with Red Diamond shield and liners...Ringed Fancy bolsters and caps
Item # 94774

Vincenzo Balistreri Buffalo Horn and San Mai Native Taillock...Button Lock..3.75...coa/pouch
Item # 94266
$650.00 $799.99

Vincenzo Balistreri Fancy Jack..3.75..Buffalo Horn & Mokume bolsters and bead....filework..coa/slip
Item # 94262

Vincenzo Balistreri Fancy Jack..3.7...Sambar Stag...Rwl34 Wharncliffe..copper accents..ringeda.slip.
Item # 91816

Vincenzo Balistreri MOP Sadddlehorn...Rwl34..4"..Fluted....colored Mosiac pin shield ..coa and slip
Item # 91797

Bobby Toole Dogleg Native Slipjoint..CPM-154..4"..Crosscut Micarta over white micarta..coa & pouch
Item # 91697
$500.00 $599.99

Vincenzo Balistreri Fancy Jack..3.7...MOP...Rwl34 Wharncliffe.. blue mosaic pin....coa.slip
Item # 91676

Vincenzo Balistreri Mammoth Ivory Sadddlehorn...Rwl34..4 closed...many extras..coa and slip
Item # 90553

Bobby Toole Mammoth Slimline Trapper..A2..Fluted bolsters & caps..3.75"
Item # 88345
$725.00 $794.99

Vincenzo Balistreri Clip Large Barlow.Mother of Pearl..AEB-L..liners..lanyard pin and bead..coa.slip
Item # 87639

T A Davison Swayback Wharnie .3 3/8..Canvas Micarta scales...Cpm154..jeweled liners..#1260
Item # 86995
$600.00 $649.99

Jared Oeser F22 Flipper by Reate..4.5 clsd..Micarta..Black PVD accents...M390
Item # 86656

Pena Xseries Apache..M390..Marble Carbon Fiber..Lee Williams Kick Stop...3.75 closed
Item # 86655

Johan Ellis Warthog Slipjoint.. Karellian & Maple...G10 and titanium..Rwl34...Bone Shield..coa/box
Item # 85052

Kroo Rhino...Denim Micarta...Rwl34...3.75" clsd...fluted bolsters.filework.spacers..liners..coa/slip
Item # 81705
$450.00 $529.99

Vincenzo Balistreri 2 Blade Barlow, Clip & coping..Black Buffalo Bone scales..N690...coa and slip
Item # 110763

Johan Ellis Igwe.Lanny..4",Karilian Scales & Snakewood Bolsters...G10 and titanium frame...Damacore
Item # 110074

Bobby Toole Sambar Stag Lambsfoot Jack..Cpm154...4" closed...integral fluted bolsters..coa & pouch
Item # 108398

Pena Custom Apache front Flipper..Cpm154....titanium liners.. Micarta scales..Titanium frame.
Item # 106688

Todd Davison Sheepsfoot Straight Jack...3 5/8"..Cpm154..jeweled...pouch...#2545 Stabilized Cactus
Item # 105036

Pablo Castellani Super Tusk Native..4"..440c...Fluted/integral/doved bolsters..makers pouch/coa
Item # 104099

K'roo Dyed Whale Bone EO Scagel cut Sheepsfoot Sleeveboard...3.75"..Rwl34...coa and slip
Item # 103588

Dean Robertson Mammoth Native...Cpm154....4" order from maker
Item # 102120

Steenkamp Native...Bone Bolsters..Natural Scales....M390..4"...coa..pouch..slip...just in
Item # 102117

Willem Steenkamp Native..4"...M390....Kevlar scales..Micarta Bolsters & G10 spacers..slip.pouch.coa
Item # 102116

Bobby Toole Giraffe Bone Gunstock Spear.Cpm154..3 7/8 closed...integral fluted bolsters..coa & pouch
Item # 102067

Bobby Toole Bark Mammoth Ivory Trapper..Cpm154..3 7/8 closed...integral fluted bolsters..coa & pouch
Item # 102065

K'roo DragonFly Shadow...4" clsd...Ivory Paper...Black G10 accents and shield..Rwl34...fileworked
Item # 101791

K'roo DragonFly Shadow...4" clsd...Black G10 accents and shield..Rwl34...fileworked
Item # 101789

K'roos Bose Design Square End Back Pocket Trapper...Sambar Stag...3 7/8" clsd...Rwl34...Fileworked
Item # 101787

K'roo Striper Ctec Jackal...4" closed..Rwl34..filework..Black Ctec w BOLT shield..coa and slip
Item # 101342

Johan Ellis Lion 4",Damasteel with Giraffe Bone inlays and Paper Micarta Frame over G10 and titanium
Item # 101270

Johan Ellis Lion 4",Birch Burl inlays and Natural Micarta Frame over G10 and titanium..Rwl34..coa
Item # 101269

Vincenzo Balistreri White Wolf..Mother of Pearl..AEB-L..liners..lanyard pin and bead..coa.slip
Item # 100727

K'roo Warthog Tusk Striper Swayback...Ivory Scales..Striper Bolsters..Rwl34...3.75"..coa & slip
Item # 100565

Incoming Bobby Toole..MOP Gunstock Taillock ..Cpm154..appxt 4 cl...Taco pouch and coa, Mon or Tues
Item # 100511