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Paying commissions For Items Sold

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:20 am
by Bryan
Commissions on an item sold can be paid through the seller's dashboard after one month has passed from the last day of the month in which the sale was made & the accrued commission for the month being paid was greater than $5.00. We have the one month delay in place so that you can adjust your sales and not be charged commissions in the event that the item is returned or if the buyer backs out or reneges on the deal (sometimes happens with check / money order) .

To view or edit your commission balance, you can click on one of the two links shown below:
If the aforementioned month has passed and commissions are available to be paid, there will be a notice on your dashboard like shown below:
The above mentioned links shown on the first image will bring you to a commission account balance page that will have details about your sales & accrued commissions.

No commissions due will show a page like below:
If commission is ready to be paid, the page will have buttons available to make payment as seen below:
To pay your balance with paypal, you can click the "pay account balance of $xx.xx via paypal" button, which will direct you to PayPal to pay the amount outstanding. Once payment is complete, your balance will be adjusted immediately.

To pay your balance with check or money order, you can click the "print invoice & pay account balance of $xx.xx via check" button, which will enable yo to print an invoice that shows the balance outstanding along with address where payment can be made. Once payment is received, your balance will be adjusted.

If you miss the notice & forget to pay before due date, AAPK will send you a friendly reminder.