D.R.G.M. German knife

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D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by raincrowe »

A small 3 1/8"...... 7- bladed knife with 5- small blades concealed in a small tube knife has antique waterfall celluloid handles knife appears to be almost mint condition and looks to be a least a hundred years old;..... this knife is stamped on two blades B.R.G.M. on one side the other side Germany/Made in Germany!.. When researching this knife to my surprise.... this isn't a brand name but a (Germany Empire Utility Design Registered Pattern)...Used 1871-1915... 1933-1945....Another site indicates It not a German Patent but was instead a way for inventors to register a product design in all states within Germany from 1891-1952.....Anyway its a neat knife and I'm curious if there are some other designs out there and would like more information on this knife all input welcome!!

IMG_0657 (2).JPG
IMG_0656 (2).JPG
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by rugmar »

Don’t have any knowledge to pass along. But it sure is cool!
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by 1967redrider »

Just when I think I've seen everything, cool knife! ::tu:: ::tu::
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by RevolverGuy »

Really unique knife. Thanks for sharing with us.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by btrwtr »

Very cool knife!
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by Old Folder »

Cool knife raincrowe, well made. ::nod::
I think the original owner may have been a "Well to do Gentleman?"
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by 1967redrider »

Old Folder wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 7:39 pm Cool knife raincrowe, well made. ::nod::
I think the original owner may have been a "Well to do Gentleman?"
Maybe a doctor? ::shrug::
Pocket, fixed, machete, axe, it's all good!

You're going to look awfully silly with that knife sticking out of your @#$. -Clint Eastwood, High Plains Drifter
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by petesknives »

Veterinarians knife? I dunno, but it is sure nice ::tu:: Thanks for sharing ::tu::
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife


Right you are that the D.R.G.M. is not a brand, but translates loosely as Deutsch Reich Registered Trademark, and is seen on many different brands of German knives. I have a Daniel Peres tool kit knife marked this way. As to the implements, some of them remind me of those on knives intended for pipe smokers.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by raincrowe »

Thanks for the great comments...I can see that it would be a gentleman's knife... tamp, tweezers, spoon, 2 file type blades...all tools to be used for a pipe cleaning and maintenance...This knife is very well made...just wondering what the value of the knife may be but I haven't got another to compare it to!..... Here are some more pictures of the knife!!
IMG_0659 (2).JPG
IMG_0664 (2).JPG
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by knife7knut »

The blades are all tools for doing a manicure.I have a couple of knives that have the same tools but are not concealed inside a tube. Nice piece! Here are a couple of mine
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by raincrowe »

Thank you..... I see you have some very good pieces....I can see them being used for a manicure!!
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by kootenay joe »

Ray you are amazing. Every time a guy posts a weird or unusual knife, you say, "oh, i have a few similar knives" and you give us a picture show of related odd knives. I always enjoy your posts and often learn something new.
O.P. asks about value: answer is: fairly low.
Not many people collect German knives and even fewer collect manicure type pen knives. Also the lack of a brand name can lower value. In it's favor is top condition and an unusual pattern.
Auctioned on ebay, with luck, maybe $40, or higher if there are 2 bidders both very interested, but this does not happen often with manicure knives.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by knife7knut »

Roland:Thank you for the kind words.My favorite types of knives are precisely those that most people do not collect.I love to find unusual knives and find out what their uses were.I guess it goes back to my grandfather whose favorite saying was,"If you aren't learning something every day then you are probably dead".
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by raincrowe »

Awww....I've been doing more research on this knife and came up empty-handed.... (I can't find any knives that even remotely resemble this design)
I found some D.R.G.M. knives listed on e-bay but they were more like the sodbuster pattern but I did find toys very plentiful and command higher prices!
I believe this knife to be a (well to do gentleman's knife).... it's has the tools to be both pipe cleaning or a manicure.. the tamper actually closes tube!
The designer of this knife put a lot of effort and thought in it's construction...not only is it of the finest materials but the craftmanship is excellent!
Sadly to say there seem to be no more around....Although it's hard to believe that it's one of a kind.... I guess it's possible!!
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by kootenay joe »

It is almost impossible to track down dates or numbers made, etc without there being a name or logo on the blade tang that would ID either the merchant or manufacturer.
There are many very well made obviously high end vintage German pocket knives that are similarly unmarked. I have quite a few. Some have numbers marked on the back in black ink and likely were sample knives used by salesmen to show prospective customers (owners of knife stores, jewelry stores, etc.). But really it is a mystery why there are so many fine vintage German pocket knives that have no markings. Yours has some markings but no clues as to who made or sold it.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by knife7knut »

You will find the D.R.G.M. mark and an earlier D.B.G.M. mark on a lot of tool kit knives made in Germany.I have also wondered why they never had a maker's name on them. One possibility is the dislike of German made goods and anti-German sentiment after the first World War.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by QGofLake »

No dobut this is an old thread. I came across it via researching DRGM. I also came across a knife similar to the one raincrowe started this thread about (pics posted). I tried and tried to find a similar pattern and came up zeros, until finding my way here. Raincrowe's knife is certainly in far better condition. The cracked scales are celluloid with an imitation tortoise shell style. Nice brass used for the tube, liners and pins. The illegible stamp on the smaller blade is likely DRGM. Someone sure got their use out of this knife! Packed a lot of bowls and with many many attending cleanings.

The AAPK forums are certainly a wealth of collective knowledge. I figure I'd post to this old thread because it might be useful for someone else who comes across a knife with this unusual pattern.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by raincrowe »

QGofLake wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:33 am No dobut this is an old thread. I came across it via researching DRGM. I also came across a knife similar to the one raincrowe started this thread about (pics posted). I tried and tried to find a similar pattern and came up zeros, until finding my way here. Raincrowe's knife is certainly in far better condition. The cracked scales are celluloid with an imitation tortoise shell style. Nice brass used for the tube, liners and pins. The illegible stamp on the smaller blade is likely DRGM. Someone sure got their use out of this knife! Packed a lot of bowls and with many many attending cleanings.

The AAPK forums are certainly a wealth of collective knowledge. I figure I'd post to this old thread because it might be useful for someone else who comes across a knife with this unusual pattern.
Thank you for the response...Glad to hear that you got some useful information from this thread..
You will find that the everyone seems very helpful and have a wealth of knowledge!!
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by QGofLake »

raincrowe wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:16 am
QGofLake wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:33 am No dobut this is an old thread. I came across it via researching DRGM. I also came across a knife similar to the one raincrowe started this thread about (pics posted). I tried and tried to find a similar pattern and came up zeros, until finding my way here. Raincrowe's knife is certainly in far better condition. The cracked scales are celluloid with an imitation tortoise shell style. Nice brass used for the tube, liners and pins. The illegible stamp on the smaller blade is likely DRGM. Someone sure got their use out of this knife! Packed a lot of bowls and with many many attending cleanings.

The AAPK forums are certainly a wealth of collective knowledge. I figure I'd post to this old thread because it might be useful for someone else who comes across a knife with this unusual pattern.
Thank you for the response...Glad to hear that you got some useful information from this thread..
You will find that the everyone seems very helpful and have a wealth of knowledge!!
Tks raincrowe! I love the forums here. It is quite an outstanding resource and collective body of knowledge. I sure do appreciate members sharing info, such as your post about this unique pattern.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by raincrowe »

Your welcome!! ::tu::
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by roxhan »

Here is a definifion of D.R.G.M. I found while researching a knife I have marked D.R.G.M.
D.R.G.M. stands for Deutsches Reichs-GebrauchsMuster.
Essentially, it was a form of intellectual property protection in Germany, similar to a PATENT but for more minor
inventions or designs. It was in use from 1891 to 1945. A lot of what we learn is strictly accidental.
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Re: D.R.G.M. German knife

Post by Madmarco »

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