This forum contains tips, tricks, & instructions to help you get the most out of the store program. We encourage you to browse around for golden nuggets of useful info. If you have info to share, please post!
A video for getting started selling on the AAPK Member store platform when it's ready... You might want to click & make this full screen to see it better.
It's my first ever video production I have a lot of work top do on my radio voice & video editing, but hopefully it might be helpful to some as is...
It was very helpful. You have a good speaking voice but if I may, a bit of corrective criticism. Slow down your voice a bit. We don't realize how fast or slow we speak because we don't hear ourselves as others hear us. It's not that easy to do without making a conscious effort.
BTW.... I think the new format is excellent and very intuitive. I can't wait to start listing.