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How do I access old descriptions?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:18 pm
by stagman
Howdy Bryan! I have a question. How do I access my old descriptions (which took me a lot of time & thought) from previous sales back years ago so I can transfer it to the new format when I list a knife. ::shrug::
Many thanks!

Re: How do I access old descriptions?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:43 pm
by Bryan
Hi Will,

Unfortunately, when a product is removed via the product expiration process, by request, or by direct action, it is completely deleted from the AAPK server. ::undecided::

The products relating to the descriptions you are referring to here were removed by request if I recall correctly.

I don't think there is any way I can help with lost data in this instance. :(

Going forward, this is another thing I urge everyone to take into considers when allowing product listings to expire or deleting old product listings directly...

Re: How do I access old descriptions?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:37 pm
by stagman
Thanks Bryan...I was refering to a Marble's jet Pilot I sold about 7 yrs ago
a lot of history with them submiting the plans to the goverment and then
Sam giving the plans(blueprints) to other outfits and ending with Camillus
stealing them and getting the contract for less money leaving Marble's
out in the cold....and it gets cold in the UP of Mich.........I will start from scratch on that one I reckon
