First Cup Diner!

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by jerryd6818 »

It's 0500. I've been awake since a little after 0200. :x 62° today, 34°tomorrow. Spring sure is iffy.
My VA nurse visits today. She is such a nice lady. My granddaughter is also coming so it looks like I may finally get a haircut. I need it BADLY!
I see Chris snuck in while I was huntin' & peckin'. Morning Chris.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by treefarmer »

Good Mornin', Chris and Jerry and others to stop by the diner.
Something is goin' on with the weather, it's back down to 39° this morning. ::shrug:: Remember, Wednesday it was 85°!
Workday went well yesterday, our dinner time get together was enjoyable and the hour nap was just right.
No specific plans for today but there's always something to do around Starvation Plantation.
Y'all have blessed day!

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by djknife13 »

Good morning. We too are having a drop in the temp, but nothing out of the ordinary for us this time of the year. I think they said it will be in the 20's on Saturday. Today is supposed to be very windy. Yesterday we got almost half of the large floor project done, and after I stopped at the last job and put a final coat on the ceiling patch. I'm a little sore this morning and after one more day of working on the floor I'm sure I'll feel it, but tomorrow I have nothing to do but heal.I should do taxes but I don't want to so I probably won't. Hope you all have a great Friday and stay warm._______Dave
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by edgy46 »

Good morning diners. 31 overnight, and headed to the upper 50's. Weather guessers say 40 mph winds this evening and overnight. Monthly flea mkt at Urbana this weekend ::ds::
Enjoy your day and make someone smile 😃.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by bighomer »

Morning folks, a frosty 33 this morning heading up to the 60's. Plenty of sunshine. Chilly weekend sez Nikki Dee and Leland.
Critters are fed. Wampus wuz on his throne waiting patiently for his breakfast. All is right with the world.
Buddies day at Hooters but the boss has a she wants me to ride with her so I may be late to the table.
Hope yawl have a good'un and be careful out there ::handshake::
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by beresman »

Good morning, all...I'm still waiting eagerly for the coffee maker to do its thing. Almost nothing on the calendar for today, which is kinda nice--although I can't do much anyway. My right hand has gradually (over the last 2-3 months) become non-functional because of a nerve problem. It started as a tingle, and I thought it would go away, but then I started getting weaker (losing my grip, which the kids tell me I've been doing all along, haha) and that worried me. I have had PT, which didn't do much, and saw an orthopedic doctor who specializes in hands and works with musicians. I had an EMG earlier this week, which was...interesting. I meet with the orthopedic guy again next week to determine a course of action.

In the meantime, no making music, no working on knives, pretty much nothing that requires strength or coordination in my right hand. I'm learning how to feed myself with my left hand, brush my teeth, all that stuff. I;'m grateful for what I have, but I sure hope I can get my hand back soon...

Mmmmm, that coffee hits the spot! The sun is shining in southwestern Ohio, and it's supposed to be in the 50s and blustery--in like a lion, true to the saying. A good day to you all!
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by Quick Steel »

Currently in the low 50s, sunny, a bit windy.

Brent, I regret learning of your hand issue. Sounds as though your doctor has the experience to help you. Best wishes, thoughts, and prayers.

Bev just went to turn over one of her cars to a young couple that is struggling a bit. She is going to accept some maintenance work on our house in payment. This is practical as I am a very unhandy man.

A young neighbor rancher who lives down the road a piece stopped by for coffee yesterday morning. This resulted in a 3 hour conversation covering every imaginable topic. And the coffee was good.

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by DM11 »

Howdy friends, suppose to get up into the 70's today. May go for a little walk after while. Happy trails 🤠
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by TripleF »

Mornin' fellow knifers!!!

FCD is open.
I'm up.
Community sales galore today....wish me luck!!!
Very pleasant temps still here with a forecasted high of 70.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by Quick Steel »

Good Morning Scott and to all who follow. In the 40s now and I think that will continue throughout the day.

Was sorry to learn of Gene Hackman's passing. A superlative actor; one of the very best I think.

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by edgy46 »

Good morning diners. 32 now and it is today's high. Windy all day. Headed to the flea market.
Enjoy your day and make someone smile 😃.
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Re: First Cup Diner!


Good morning everyone,
Been up for a while cleaned some floors, quite time. The better half and I are enjoying coffee together only happens on the weekends. Of course the dogs are with us the male dog is whining at us to get his antler off the fridge. Female at my feet.
My son and I are heading to Kane County flea market today.
May you all be blessed today.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by djknife13 »

Good morning. Cool early Spring day here. Yesterday's news was the wind which got up to 60mph and took out power to much of our area. It stayed on where we were working but my house was out for the first half of the day. Someone from the air base were Jason was attached to sent him an email that there is a small little advertised gun show today and tomorrow so I'm off to that shortly. It's been so long since I've purchased a knife that I've quit calling myself a knife collector and say I used to collect knives. I don't hold much hope that this show will change that but there is a little bigger one next weekend, and between the two who knows. Have a good weekend.____Dave
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by dlr110 »

Good Morning Everyone!
Nothing really planned today. Have a blessed day and be safe.... :D
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by treefarmer »

Good Mornin', FCD crew.
40° at Starvation Plantation earlier this morning, clear skies again, we recorded 83 for yesterday's high. Looks like great weather will continue for a few more days, maybe. ::hmm::
Been pruning some grape vines the last couple of days, should have been done a month ago. :oops:
Today and tomorrow are the last 2 days of M/L season. Haven't seen the big 10 point on camera since end of December. He may be in someone's freezer. Several decent bucks and a good crop of youngsters, spikes and button bucks are still rambling the woods, having their pictures taken. Tuesday afternoon I sat in little movable ground stand our grandson's helped build years ago. It is now on the angle point of a small "L" shaped patch of oats. Got a picture with my tablet of decent buck. .50 cal. Knight was still in the closet at home. Had that encounter been earlier in the season, I would have took a crack at him.
Can't see but this is a 7 point.
Can't see but this is a 7 point.
Still have to help our young friend from church cut up his deer from last Sunday sometime next week.
Gardening needs to be under way, may work with the tractor and disk today.
Coffee was good as usual! ::tu::
Hope y'all have a great 1st day of March!

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by bighomer »

Morning folks, 44 at daybreak may not get out of the 40's sez Henry the weekend guesser. Wind is rather stiff coming across aunt Sally's peach orchard supposed to start really howling later.
Critters are fed and the dishes warshed and put away. Wampus wuz on the tractor seat hissing at me to hurry up with the grub.
Hope yawl have a good'un and be careful out there.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by beresman »

Mornin', all! Cold again today (but this is Ohio--if you don't like the weather, wait around a couple of hours; it'll change!) Not much going on here--I bought a couple new bird feeders and a new squirrel deflector to go along with them; maybe I'll get those put up today.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by Boji »

About blew away yesterday, 40-60 mph wind all day which blew in colder weather for today. Might make it to 30. Then back to the 50’s next week.
Gotta get moving to work today. Have a great weekend!
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by jerryd6818 »

LKSKNIVES wrote: Sat Mar 01, 2025 12:38 pm
My son and I are heading to Kane County flea market today.

I didn't realize you were so close.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by djknife13 »

Good morning. The gun show yesterday was a total bust for knives and I certainly don't need another way over priced rifle, so I chatted with a few acquaintances and Jane and I stopped at a pet store where Jane spent a bunch of money on dog stuff. Church is in a few hours and nothing else planned for the day. Have a great Sunday.______Dave
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by dlr110 »

Good Morning Everyone!
It's, lunch at the local cafe and home for a nap.
Have a blessed day and be safe.... ::pray::
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by treefarmer »

Good Mornin', Folks.
41° this morning, yesterday we got to 83.
Coffee's almost made.
Didn't get on the tractor yesterday. The morning was spent still cleaning under the grape vines, almost done, plenty of Blackberry sprouts, oak seedlings and such. I think this mess comes from the birds as they sit on the grape vines.
Made a run to Tractor Supply after our nap and ran into several friends and had to visit a bit to catch up on their families and such. One of the fellers pulled out 4 different knives he was carrying to show me.
We will be heading out for church in a few hours.
Y'all have a great Sunday!

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by edgy46 »

Good morning diners. 19 overnight and headed up to only 32. Bright sun 🌞all day. Picked up. 4 knives at the flea mkt yesterday.
Enjoy your day and make someone smile 😃.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by bighomer »

Morning folks, 23 wuz the low may hit low to mid 40's, stiff NE breeze makes it feel like 18 sez Henry.
Critters are fed, Wampus didn't show.
Kinda late to the table this morning, been cruising other areas of the site, Treefarmer and KJ wus always my heroes for skinning deers with RR trappers, but I was checking out a old thread regarding peanut knives and there wuz a feller that skinned out one with a Case peanut, and here I wuz figuring all they're fit for wuz cleaning mud out from under yore fingernails. Who knew?
Chicken and dressing day at Granny's briar patch, a local meat and three, boss has a hankering for some so I'll see to it.
Hope yawl have a good'un and be careful out there.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by Quick Steel »

Sunny day but freezing weather.

I found myself mesmerized by the Trump/Zelinski meeting. I won't express any opinions about it other than to remark that it wasn't dull.

Like all mortals, the Pope is dying and, I believe, will face judgment, the most important moment of his existence.

peace & health
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