First Cup Diner!

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by doglegg »

Quick Steel wrote: Thu Mar 13, 2025 12:00 pm Good Morning to all.

doglegg, your beautiful photos reveal that you are being blessed with some good weather.

I'm wondering if I should try and do my own taxes this year.

In a few minutes my sister will depart for LA and her two week cruise. She will be sorely missed.

peace & health
The blooming trees are brief but beautiful.
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by bighomer »

Morning folks, 57 was the low gonna get to the mid 70's. Sez Nikki Dee. Critters are fed and the dishes warshed and put away, wampus wuz on his throne being his regal self.
We had another big Joe scramble with bacon and toast this morning, shore wuz tasty.
I slept in this morning, didnt sleep all that good early on, my ole shoulder is paining me something fierce I may have to get a shot in it. I don't like steroids they mess with my blood pressure but I may have to bite the bullet.
Hope yawl have a good'un and be careful out there. ::handshake::
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by DM11 »

Howdy friends, good to see the blooms and daffodils Floyd and Homer. Suppose to hit 80° today. Nothing on the agenda atm. So we'll see how things go. Happy trails 🤠
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by djknife13 »

Here is my tricycle. I still haven't figured out what's slipping when I peddle it.Hopefully removing a link in the main chain will fix it.____Dave
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by Paladin »

djknife13 wrote: Thu Mar 13, 2025 8:30 pm Here is my tricycle. I still haven't figured out what's slipping when I peddle it.Hopefully removing a link in the main chain will fix it.____Dave
DJ, That looks like something out of 'STARWARS'. Handsome vehicle, actually. ::tu:: 8)


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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by royal0014 »

Mornin' Y'all

It's Friday, and another weekend in the hole looms ahead. They keep chipping away at my sanity, bit by bit.
Maybe someday enough will be gone that I will no longer notice .. ... ..

Pot's singing. Yawl have a grand weekend
i woke last night to the sound of thunder
how far off i sat and wondered
started humming a song from nineteen sixty two
aint it funny how the night moves
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by djknife13 »

Good morning. I'm off to install a butcher top counter top and maybe do a little trim. At noon we'll head over to a restaurant for a free meal and a seminar on install Smart Board siding to see if we have been doing it right all this time. This weekend is supposed to be a mess of snow, rain and freezing rain. The weather people have been all over the place on how we will be getting wet and don't seem to have a solid clue what's coming but all agree something is. Nothing is planned for the weekend outside of the usual. Have a good Friday.____Dave
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by treefarmer »

Good Mornin', Folks.
64° this morning, a bit foggy and the forecasts have changed, again. Yesterday had a tiny shower when we were eating dinner, then the sun returned, some clouds during the evening. Late local news was worried folks wouldn't be able to see the lunar eclipse earlier this morning. I suppose it happened, had the eclipse happened when our children were young, we would have gotten up to see the event. The rough weather according to the forecasts will be on Sunday. ::shrug::
We picked up a trailer full of pruned vines, limbs and dead limbs that never stop falling. A price for having a lot of big mature trees in the yard.
Not sure what we'll get into today, most likely it'll be something outside. ::nod::
This big ol' mug of coffee sure tastes good this morning!
Y'all be careful out there today.

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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by bighomer »

Morning folks, looks like 58 wus the low 83 expected sez Henry the weekend guesser, he's getting a early start looks like. He's talking some bad weather heading our way late today and all day tomorrow. Wouldn't make me mad iff'in he's wrong.
Critters are fed and the dishes warshed and put away. Wampus wuz on the tractor seat, he sez hiiiiis.
Buddies day at Hooters.
Had a fine supper last evening at the Red lobster with my son, dil and grandson. We try to get together at least once a month for a meal, always a pleasure.
Old shoulder is still aggravating me so I don't expect much work getting done around here.
Hope yawl have a good'un and be careful out. ::handshake::
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Re: First Cup Diner!

Post by philco »

I stayed up watching the final game of yesterday's round two of the men's SEC basketball tourney. Kentucky played newcomer to the SEC, Oklahoma. Kentucky blew a nice ten-point lead in the final minutes and with about five seconds left, Oklahoma took the lead by one. Somehow Kentucky managed to get the ball in, down the floor and in the basket just before the buzzer to win by one. It was after 1 AM by the time the game ended.
Before going to bed, I went outside and took a gander at the moon which was partially eclipsed at that point. I didn't tarry long but it was interesting to see.
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