A place to discuss & share pictures of counterfeit knives. Please be sure to alert the AAPK community if you spot one. Also make sure to ask questions if you are not certain about the authenticity of a knife you are considering buying or selling. There are plenty of great people here willing to help.
Here is an authentic Nazi whittler signed by der Fuehrer himself - hurry up to get your bids in, the price is only up to $101.
My guess is that Hitler signed these knives in the waning days of the Third Reich, probably in his bunker, as a means to raise money for his failing ambitions of global domination.
The general rule for Nazi knives is that if it's a folder, it ain't real. Only fixed blades might be real, and even then, they kept cranking them out for unsuspecting GIs right up into the 60s. You have to really know your markings and materials to buy a Nazi knife. I've seen hundreds of fakes, and only one I ever thought might be real.
Sorry, yeah, the knife is a phony. As Dragunski said I have personally never seen an authentic Nazi pocket knife.
My post is really more about the price this knife is bringing - $101 already and the auction still has a ways to go. I just hope that the "successful" bidder is wealthy and can afford to throw away this much money.
Someone will probably correct me and please do if I'm wrong, but Bernard Levine is the acknowledged author of the rule of thumb stating a folding Nazi knife cannot be real, etc.
However, some years ago, Levine was presented with a folding Nazi knife which he discussed at length in his "Whut Izzit?" column in KnifeWorld Magazine and he did, indeed, declare the knife to be genuine. Needless to say, they are quite rare.
The knife shown above, however, was not it. That knife is a fantasy item and they were produced by the thousands in the 1970's by either Rhett Stidham, Jim Parker or both. I've seen boxes of these on dealer's tables at knife shows.
The link to the auction doesn't work, most likely, because Ebay has deleted the auction. It's against Ebay's rules to list anything relating to the Nazi regime.
Same, same Ku Klux Klan.
Charlie Noyes
"...Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons ___but they are helpless against our prayers. "
RobesonsRme.com wrote:However, some years ago, Levine was presented with a folding Nazi knife which he discussed at length in his "Whut Izzit?" column in KnifeWorld Magazine and he did, indeed, declare the knife to be genuine. Needless to say, they are quite rare.
I don`t recall reading that article, do you know when it was published?
I was at SMKW this past weekend and they actually had a Hitlers SS knife in a display with a bunch of 3rd Reich things. It was stamped that it was made by Utica. I took a picture of it and will post it when I get home
Bob, I think the eBay police got to it before it could sell. However, there was a nice Frost folder with German steel assembled in the Peoples Republic to take it's place.
Pocket, fixed, machete, axe, it's all good!
You're going to look awfully silly with that knife sticking out of your @#$. -Clint Eastwood, High Plains Drifter
OK. So, doing a search of BladeForums, I found some info.
In July, 2007, Bernard Levine in a discussion about another form of a fantasy Hitler or Nazi knife made this statement:
"There are souvenir Hitler pocketknives made for commercial sale in Germany (not the US) in the early 1930s, probably before Hitler took power. They are, of course, not marked in English -- i.e. not marked GERMANY. They are very rare. You will see 10,000 fakes for every real one.
But there are no official Nazi pocketknives."
In another post, he stated he knew of one or two such souvenir Hitler knives, but that he personally knew more lottery winners than he had seen real Hitler knives.
He also stated that the souvenir knives were not authorized by the Nazi party.
He did say that he had seen authentic handle slabs for the souvenir Hitler knives and provided the photo I'm posting at the bottom.
He stated that many Hitler/Nazi fantasy knives have handles copied from some of these real ones.
None of the material I read on BladeForums is what I recall having read in his "Whut Izzit?" column. I recall that someone had either sent a photo of or an actual souvenir Hitler knife and BL pretty much stated that it was the first real such knife he had ever seen.
I recall it as a celluloid handled knife.
"...Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons ___but they are helpless against our prayers. "
Here is a knife I purchased off eBay not long ago. It is a Utica and as you can see it has the lightning bolt shield like the SMKW knife. These knives are not super uncommon, my guess is that Utica saw the symbol before the atrocities of the Nazi regime had come to light and decided to use it as a shield on their knives. Of course, any Nazi (and more especially any SS man) would be inclined to buy such a knife and carry it even though it wasn't official SS issue. All of the ones I've seen have the curved Utica marking which Goins' date to pre 1937. I'm guessing that not long after you couldn't have paid Utica to use a shield like that.
On the display I seen at SMKW everything was in German so I couldn't read any of it. Like you said msteele I'm sure some SS soldier got it because of that symbol after all of that stuff.
msteele6 wrote:Here ius an authentic Nazi whittler signed by der Fuehrer himself - hurry up to get your bids in, the price is only up to $101.
My guess is that Hitler signed these knives in the waning days of the Third Reich, probably in his bunker, as a means to raise money for his failing ambitions of global domination.
A old friend of mine brought this exact knife to me just the other day. He said it was given to him by his father and was a SS "dress knife". I just admired it, oiled the joints and handed it back. Didn't have the heart.
I've seen several (and owned a couple) of the Uticas with the "Lightning Bolt" shield. They have all had the Utica arched tang stamp which I believe is supposed to date it to 1937 or prior. I'm not a student of the Nazis, so just when did the SS start using the lightning bolt for a logo? I'm thinking it was 1937 when Brit PM Chamberlain gave into Hitler with his policy of "appeasement" but how strong was the SS at that time? All in all, I'm betting that Utica had nothing to do with the SS and any similarity at all is purely coincidental.
Here are the missing "narzi" knife pics of that Utica stockman I had. I was contacted by a gent that wanted to buy it as he was sure I was wrong about it.
I sold it to him and figure he'll be happy with his "Narzi" knife.
Member of The West Texas Chapter Of Gun Ownin', Pickup Truck Drivin', Jingoistic, Right Wing, History Changin', Huge Carbon Footprint Leavin' Conspirators.
Wasn't the "SS" insignia TWO lightning bolts next to each other...not just one? Frankly, it would never occur to me that this zig-zag had anything to with the the SS or Nazis.
Well Willie, you can buy 'em books and send them to school but all they want to do is eat the teacher Good to see ya postin'. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year down there in the Lone Star State.
"There are none so blind as those that refuse to see"
God Bless America - Though I don't know why he would want to.