Hey Bryan;
I have found its a losing cause to gripe about large photos
That said how about a limiter of web site size in the attachment string.
I know you find it a pain in the posterior also.
For your consideration only.
Thanks W.B.
I for one stand guilty of the charges mentioned by Mossdancer But I have tried to mend my evil ways of loading pictures that are 292 feet x 545 feet across ....I actually use Paint Shop Pro to resize everything these days, so it's not wallpaper...
It is a little aggranoying (new word)...not so much for the pics (I can say that because I have DSL at home but when I download from work with dial up I can feel my whiskers growing...) but when you wind up trying to read what was posted it's like reading an Egyptian tablet....
Maybe as Mossdancer said a limit on attachments is the answer, maybe just a gentle reminder to the members that we need to try to keep the pic size down to only a few feet across , if that does not work then go to the limiting...??
I am just appreciate of the site provided here and how nice, helpful and kind folks have been since I started...
It is a little aggranoying (new word)...not so much for the pics (I can say that because I have DSL at home but when I download from work with dial up I can feel my whiskers growing...) but when you wind up trying to read what was posted it's like reading an Egyptian tablet....
Maybe as Mossdancer said a limit on attachments is the answer, maybe just a gentle reminder to the members that we need to try to keep the pic size down to only a few feet across , if that does not work then go to the limiting...??
I am just appreciate of the site provided here and how nice, helpful and kind folks have been since I started...
“The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways”
I'll tell you what I have been thinking about doing... I think I'll build in a resize function that automatically resizes the pictures if they are over a certain size. (...say 2' wide...? )
Probably more like if they are over 600 pixels or so. I think I could get that done pretty easily. I've just added it to the "to do" list. That way it won't matter how big it starts out, it will end up 600px or smaller upon attachment.
Probably more like if they are over 600 pixels or so. I think I could get that done pretty easily. I've just added it to the "to do" list. That way it won't matter how big it starts out, it will end up 600px or smaller upon attachment.