Using your own domain name

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Using your own domain name

Post by Bryan »

Want your own domain name?

When you sign up to sell on AAPK, we automatically assign you a unique web address that will comprise of your username in all lower case letters preceded with "".

For example, mine would be

This address will go directly to my store.

If you have special characters (such as apostrophes), they will often get stripped out to be url safe.

You can get your web address by visiting the AAPK seller dashboard ... ... /dashboard


This is all great, but it is much easier to share or advertise your items with a shorter domain name that takes folks directly to your merchandise or store.

If I wanted to advertise my site as instead of my, I could do that by buying the domain name & forwarding it to

To buy a domain, you simply go to a reputable registrar & search for one you like. Once you find the right name, put it in your cart & buy it. We recommend buying through

Once you get the domain name purchased you will need to forward it. The registrar of your choosing should have instructions for how to do this. Just remember the key word is forward. You need to forward the new domain to your AAPK assigned web address.

As time permits, I will try to post more detailed instructions for the more common registrars. Here is Godaddy's instructions page...

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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by TripleF »

I second the motion of using GoDaddy! All of my websites are hosted with them!
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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by jerryd6818 »

Bob Parsons founded Go Daddy in 1997. In July 2011, Parsons sold approximately 70 percent of Go Daddy to a private equity consortium and resigned his position as CEO. In June 2014, he stepped down from his position as Executive Chairman and currently serves on Go Daddy's board. Parsons owns 28 percent of the company and is its largest shareholder.

After almost flunking out of high school, Parsons enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He was assigned to the 26th Marine Regiment which was attached to and operated as part of the 1st Marine Division. In 1969, he served as a rifleman in Delta Company of the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines, during a tour of duty in Vietnam, in the Quảng Nam Province.

He was wounded on duty, medically evacuated and spent two months at a naval hospital recovering from his wounds. As a result of his service and injury, he earned the Combat Action Ribbon, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross and the Purple Heart.
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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by bestgear »

......and they have a righteous spokesperson....... ::woot::
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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by stagman »

I personally like having my store call letters with AAPK preceeding them...
Bryan has it set up so if you use a search engine like or google...
as long as Clear Creek Knives is in it, it pops up like grandpa groundhog !!!
I have had my store here for 11 years in a few days, opened 1-2-06....
there is almost 13,000 members here, how many other thousands browsing
the AAPK site...All folk's interested in knives !!!
Thats a lot of traffic boys & girls !!!
Bryan knows how much I am beholding to him for selling a 40 year old collection,
and if ya pick up a good deal here & there ya want to sell that as well
AAPK has been a life changer for me and my hobby with having the store and All
the info that you learn from all the topics and posts, as well as the quality of people who use the site...
Below is how your store comes up on the web........
I am happy right here on good Ol AAPK with my store

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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by lr64knives »

My Historical Knives
is mine and already bought & paid for thru. the years
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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by Jerry Furlough »

Bryan wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:26 pm Want your own domain name?

When you sign up to sell on AAPK, we automatically assign you a unique web address that will comprise of your username in all lower case letters preceded with "".

For example, mine would be

This address will go directly to my store.

If you have special characters (such as apostrophes), they will often get stripped out to be url safe.

You can get your web address by visiting the AAPK seller dashboard ... ... /dashboard


This is all great, but it is much easier to share or advertise your items with a shorter domain name that takes folks directly to your merchandise or store.

If I wanted to advertise my site as instead of my, I could do that by buying the domain name & forwarding it to

To buy a domain, you simply go to a reputable registrar & search for one you like. Once you find the right name, put it in your cart & buy it. We recommend buying through

Once you get the domain name purchased you will need to forward it. The registrar of your choosing should have instructions for how to do this. Just remember the key word is forward. You need to forward the new domain to your AAPK assigned web address.

As time permits, I will try to post more detailed instructions for the more common registrars. Here is Godaddy's instructions page...

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Re: Using your own domain name


I must be doing something wrong. When I go to
There nothing available in store.. Can anyone tell me what it is that I'm doing that won't allow me to enter my store using the URL:
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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by Steve Warden »

Take care and God bless,

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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by Bryan »

PEDDLEROFKNIVES wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:45 pm I must be doing something wrong. When I go to
There nothing available in store.. Can anyone tell me what it is that I'm doing that won't allow me to enter my store using the URL:
::hmm:: Give me a bit to look into this. Hopefully I can get things fixed up for you today.
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Re: Using your own domain name

Post by Bryan »

That was easier than I thought. A bit of misconfiguration on my part. You should be good now. Thank you for bringing it to our attention ::tu::
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